
Prof Tim Benton
Project Co-Leader
Research Director, Emerging Risks & Director, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Chatham House
Professor Tim Benton leads the Energy, Environment and Resources programme at Chatham House. He joined Chatham House in 2016 as a distinguished visiting fellow, when he was also dean of strategic research initiatives at the University of Leeds. His particular interest is food system resilience in the face of climate change. He has published over 150 academic papers, many on the topics of agriculture and its sustainability, both in developing and developed world contexts. Find out more

Dr. Tshilidzi Madzivhandila
Project Co-Leader
Dr. Madzivhandila is the Chief Executive Officer of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) and has over 20 years’ experience in applied research for development, policy analysis, project management, and monitoring and evaluation, with a special focus on the food, agriculture, nutrition and natural resources nexus issues. He has served in senior positions in national research institutions, government and international development organisations. A holder of a PhD degree in Economics – specializing in public policies and programmes evaluation – from the University of the New England, Australia, a Masters’ degree in Development Studies from the University of Free State, and a Bachelors’ degree in Agricultural Management from the University of Limpopo. Find out more

Dr. Helen Coskeran
Programme Executive Officer, University of Leeds
Dr. Helen Coskeran is an international development professional with a background in project management in the non-profit and private sectors. She joined the university and the GCRF-AFRICAP team in August 2018. Within the programme, Helen oversees all programme governance and finance process and monitoring and evaluation activities with the support of the M&E Working Group. She also leads the programme’s capacity-building and knowledge-sharing theme. Find out more

Sithembile Mwamakamba
Regional Policy Officer, FANRPAN
Sithembile “Thembi” Mwamakamba coordinates FANRPAN’s climate smart agriculture policy research and advocacy projects. Her work focuses on enhancing the research-to-policy interface between climate change, smallholder agriculture and poverty reduction by addressing the specific needs of vulnerable groups in Africa, including women, youth and small-scale farmers.

Shiluva Nkanyani
Programme Assistant, FANRPAN
Ms Shiluva Nkanyani is a Programme Assistant and works with the FANRPAN Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) team. She provides direct support to the Agricultural and Food-system Resilience: Increasing Capacity and Advising Policy (GCRF-AFRICAP) programme, working closely with the Regional Policy Officer, Ms Sithembile Mwamakamba. Her other responsibilities include administrative, technical, research and resource mobilization support.
Research & Advocacy

Pamela Kuwali
National Director, Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET)
Pamela Kuwali has over 20 years experience as a Governance Specialist and Development Practitioner. She is the FANRPAN Node Coordinator in Malawi. Pamela is responsible for coordinating all AFRICAP-related work in Malawi.
South Africa

Dr Ndumiso Mazibuko
Senior Economist, National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Dr Ndumiso Mazibuko is a a senior economist at the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) with more than 10 years of experience in the agricultural sector. Ndumiso is engaged with the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) in South Africa and supports key programmes including GCRF-AFRICAP, where he liaises with stakeholders and conducts background research in South Africa.
Ndumiso holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics. In 2021, he was awarded an AFRICAP fellowship at Chatham House, as well as a fellowship at the Africa Research and Impact Network. He is keenly interested in development economics, public policy analysis, climate change, agricultural price transmission, development finance and infrastructure investment. In 2020, he was named one of the 200 Mail & Guardian Young South African’s playing a critical role in South Africa’s education space.
Bonani Nyhodo
Senior Manager – Agricultural Industry Trusts, National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Bonani Nyhodo is a Senior Manager at the National Agricultural Marketing Council, responsible for agricultural industry trusts in South Africa. As the Node Coordinator of FANRPAN in South Africa, he is also at the centre of GCRF-AFRICAP activities and leads implementation of the programme within the country.
Bonani has been with the NAMC since 2006 and grew within the ranks from working as an economist in the Economic Research Division. He holds a MSc and is an active member of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA), and a member of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE).

Nomantande Precious Yeki
Economist: Transformation, National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Nomantande Precious Yeki is an experienced agricultural economist with expertise in policy research, policy advocacy, project coordination and implementation. She joined the National Agricultural Marketing Council in 2017 and in 2019 she started working on the AFRICAP project, assisting in coordinating and implementing the project within South Africa. She holds a Masters degree in development studies from Nelson Mandela University.

Vivian Kazi
Head of Commissioned Research Department, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
Ms. Vivian Kazi heads the Commissioned Research Department at ESRF, is the country node coordinator for FANRPAN, and leads in-country implementation of the AFRICAP programme in Tanzania. She has a diverse knowledge and experience in conducting interviews, field supervision and data analysis as well as writing reports in areas of microfinance development, institutional assessments and evaluation, policy and poverty analysis, and civil society development. She has interest and vast experience in CSOs training and research.
Ms. Kazi holds a Masters in Business Administration and BA Statistics (Hons). She also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Poverty Analysis from the Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands. Ms. Vivian Kazi is currently a PhD candidate in Business Administration at the University of Dar es Salaam.

Agatha David Kiama
Research Assistant, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
Ms. Agatha David Kiama is a Research Assistant working with the Economic and Social Research Foundation. She provides direct support to the regional country node in implementing AFRICAP programme activities in Tanzania.
Agatha has a Masters Degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development and first degree in Geography and Environmental Studies, both from the University of Dar es Salaam. She is broadly interested in the social and political science issues of climate change particularly in Eastern Africa.

Abel Lawrence Songole
Research Assistant, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
Mr. Abel Songole is Research Assistant at the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) where he has worked on commissioned research work since 2014. He is also involved in the day-to-day implementation of the AFRICAP programme in Tanzania.
Abel has long-term experience in conducting and coordinating extensive socio-economic policy research activities relating to agriculture and food security, rural development and poverty, governance, regional integration and globalization, international trade as well as measurements learning and evaluation. He holds a MSc. in Economics and Finance for Development.

Christian Chomba
Partner/Research & Policy Advisor, Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF)
Christian Chomba is a Partner with the Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF) and is working as a Research and Policy Advisor, as well as the FANRPAN Node Coordinator in Zambia for the AFRICAP Project.
Christian is an Agricultural Economist with 30 years of multi-institutional working experience, spanning across private, public, international and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) institutions. He also works as an independent consultant in the area of agriculture and rural development. Christian holds a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Economics, and a Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences degree, obtained from the University of London (Wye College) and University of Zambia, respectively.
Masiye Nawiko
Executive Director, Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF)
Mr. Masiye Nawiko is the Chief Executive Officer of the Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF). He has over 20 years of experience in rural development, most of which has been in policy analysis, project monitoring and evaluation, and strategy development. He has served in senior positions in the government as well as donor funded projects, and has substantial practical experience in policy analysis, survey design, data handling and analysis. Masiye was trained at the University of Zambia in economics and business administration, and holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics with specialisation in project appraisal, monitoring and evaluation from the University of Reading, UK.
United Kingdom

Prof Andy Challinor
Professor of Climate Impacts, University of Leeds
Andy Challinor is a Professor of Climate Impacts whose work focuses on using climate modelling and process studies to understand food production and food security; treatments of uncertainty and managing risk; and climate-resilient pathways and adaptation. For GCRF-AFRICAP, he leads the ‘Climate-Smart Development Pathways’ theme. Find out more

Dr. Sarah Chapman
Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Dr Sarah Chapman is a Research Fellow within the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS) at the University of Leeds. For the GCRF-AFRICAP project, she is working on climate change and agriculture in East Africa, using a convection-permitting model applied to present-day and future climates. Find out more
Heather Clark
Research Project Manager, University of Aberdeen
Ms Heather Clark is a Research Project Manager in the Dietary Assessment team at the University of Aberdeen. Her work on GCRF-AFRICAP relates to diets and nutrition. Find out more

Prof Andy Dougill
Professor of Environmental Sustainability, University of Leeds
Professor Andy Dougill is a Professor of Environmental Sustainability and a dryland environmental change researcher who has developed research approaches that integrate a range of disciplines including soil science, ecology, climate change, development studies and environmental social sciences. For GCRF-AFRICAP, he acts as Country Coordinator for the work in Malawi. Find out more

Dr. Samuel Eze
Research Fellow in Soil Science of African Agricultural Systems, University of Leeds
Dr Samuel Eze is a Research Fellow in the Soil Science of African Agricultural Systems at the University of Leeds. This involves contributing to research under the ‘Farming Systems’ theme. Find out more

Dr. Joseph Hubert Galani Yamdeu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biochemical Food Safety, University of Leeds
Dr Joseph Hubert Galani Yamdeu is a university lecturer and researcher with experience in Africa, Europe and Asia and expertise in plant and food biochemistry, plant pathology and plant molecular biology. For GCRF-AFRICAP he is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Biochemical Food Safety at the School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds. Find out more

Dr. Henry Greathead
Lecturer in Zoology, University of Leeds
Dr. Henry Greathead, a Lecturer in Zoology, is a ruminant nutritionist interested in the fermentative digestion of fibre. For the GCRF-AFRICAP project he works on the sustainable intensification of smallholder livestock production. Find out more

Dr. Stewart Jennings
Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Dr. Stewart Jennings is a research fellow working on crop, livestock and land use modelling for the GCRF-AFRICAP programme. He is a lead contributor to the ‘Climate-Smart Development Pathways’ theme. Find out more

Richard King
Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs
Richard King is a senior research fellow in Chatham House’s Energy, Environment, and Resources programme. His work focuses on systemic shocks and the sustainability of, and climate risks to, food systems, agriculture, land-use, and soft commodity resource trade. For GCRF-AFRICAP, Richard works on Policy Design and Implementation as well as trade and nutrition scenarios for the Integrated Assessment Framework. Find out more

Prof William Kunin
Professor of Ecology, University of Leeds
As Professor of Ecology, Bill Kunin’s areas of expertise include spatial aspects of population and community ecology and conservation biology. For GCRF-AFRICAP, he acts as Country Coordinator for work being implemented in South Africa. Find out more

Dr. Marcelin Tonye Mahop
Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Dr. Marcelin Tonye Mahop has expertise in biological sciences, environmental governance, intellectual property rights. His career trajectory includes work experience in agricultural policies, seeds regulations and seeds systems in Africa, agricultural biotechnology and science policies in Africa, the biodiversity cluster of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), the rights of indigenous and local communities, and the protection of traditional knowledge innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities. Find out more

Prof Jennie Macdiarmid
Professor of Sustainable Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen
Jennie Macdiarmid is a Professor of Sustainable Nutrition and Health with expertise in nutrition, health and environmental sustainability within the food system. For the GCRF-AFRICAP project, she leads work on nutrition security under the ‘Climate-Smart Development Pathway’ theme. Find out more.

Dr. Edward Pope
Expert Applied Scientist, UK Met Office
As Expert Applied Scientist at the UK Met Office, Edward conducts research into climate change and its impacts, to meet the needs of a wide range of commercial and government organisations. For GCRF-AFRICAP, he is involved in the modelling work contributing to the ‘Climate-Smart Development Pathways’ theme. Find out more

Prof Claire Helen Quinn
Professor in Natural Resources Management, University of Leeds
Dr Claire Quinn is a Professor in Natural Resources Management at the University of Leeds and an environmental social scientist with over 20 years of experience working on interdisciplinary projects in Africa, Europe and Asia. For GCRF-AFRICAP, Claire leads on the ‘Policy Design and Implementation’ Theme, building policy and practice capacity for translating evidence into pathways for SDG-compliant agri-food systems. Find out more

Dr. Susannah Sallu
Associate Professor in Environment and Development, University of Leeds
Dr Susannah Sallu is Associate Professor in Environment and Development with expertise in rural livelihoods, vulnerability and resilience climate change and development. For GCRF-AFRICAP, she is the Country Coordinator for work taking place in Tanzania, a country she has worked in for over 18 years. Find out more

Dr. Harriet Elizabeth Smith
Research Fellow in Climate Smart Agriculture, University of Leeds
Dr Harriet Smith is an interdisciplinary environmental scientist, with experience working in East and Southern Africa. As Research Fellow on Climate Smart Agriculture at the University of Leeds, Harriet contributes to research under the ‘Farming Systems’ theme. Find out more

Prof Pete Smith
Professor of Soils & Global Change, University of Aberdeen
Professor Pete Smith is Chair in Plant and Soil Science at the University of Aberdeen. As co-Investigator on the GCRF-AFRICAP project, he leads the University of Aberdeen work on modelling under the ‘Climate-Smart Development Pathways’ theme. Find out more

Dr. Hemant G Tripathi
Research Fellow in African Agricultural Ecology, University of Leeds
Dr Hemant Tripathi is a community and landscape ecologist with a background in studying land use, land cover and biodiveristy change, food production-biodiversity tradeoffs, ecosystem functioning and services, and pollination ecology in socio-ecological landscapes of Southern Africa and India. For GCRF-AFRICAP, he is investigating pest damage and control, ecosystem services and disservices, and biodiversity change in agricultural landscapes of South Africa, Tanzania, and Malawi. Find out more

Laura Wellesley
Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House
Laura Wellesley contributes to AFRICAP’s policy design and implementation theme, focusing on policy engagement in all four focal countries. At Chatham House, Laura’s research areas include food and nutrition security in low- and middle-income countries, the private sector’s role in tackling malnutrition, and policy pathways to achieve healthier diets from sustainable food systems. Find out more

Dr. Stephen Whitfield
Associate Professor in Climate Change and Food Security, University of Leeds
Dr. Stephen Whitfield is an associate professor at the University of Leeds and the Zambia country coordinator for the AFRICAP programme. He is directly involved in research on climate resilient seed systems, the diffusion and adoption of agricultural innovations, and conservation agriculture. Stephen also leads related research projects on agricultural climate services, and on agriculture and food system transformation and justice. Find out more