On 11 December 2019, we were delighted to run the first AFRICAP seminar to take place outside of the University of Leeds. Programme partner Chatham House hosted AFRICAP team members Christian Chomba (Agricultural Consultative Forum, Zambia) and Alfred Kambwiri (Civil Society Agriculture Network, Malawi) as they drew to the end of their three-month fellowships in the UK. During their time at Chatham House, Christian and Alfred have developed research projects in collaboration with other colleagues involved in AFRICAP research. The seminar provided the opportunity for them to share their initial findings with the wider AFRICAP team as they prepare papers for publication. While Alfred’s presentation entitled ‘The Future We Want: Policy Pathways towards Resilient Food Systems for Sub Saharan Africa’ looked at policy options for the region in achieving the aims of Agenda 2063, Christian examined the specific case of Zambia and the various complexities of diversifying away from maize.
As well as several Chatham House colleagues, we were joined by 20 attendees online from sub-Saharan Africa and the University of Leeds and other project partners. If you missed out, you can watch the seminar recording and download the slides.
As always, we welcome comments or questions about our seminar series so pleaseĀ get in touch. Our next event will be held on Wednesday 29 January 2020 at 13.00 GMT in collaboration with the University of Leeds’ Global Food & Environment Institute. We look forward to welcoming Professor Pete Smith, Professor of Soils and Global Change at the University of Aberdeen. Further details available here.