When attempting to model future food production, many decisions are made. One of the more complex decisions concerns likely trends in yields. For example, over the past 50 years, global crop yields have improved substantially, despite changes in the climate. Modelling climate impacts on yields is therefore not enough; we need to factor in likely improvements in technology or management approaches, or these predictions in future yields will likely be underestimates.
Enter AFRICAP’s scenario approach to guide us. Find out in our trailer above how people with different expertise ranging from climate change to food security have come together to develop iFEED – the integrated Future Estimator for Emissions and Diets. iFEED is a tool that provides integrated evidence to shape policies towards climate-smart nutrition security. As well as looking at future food production, iFEED includes modelling of emissions, climate extremes and trade and nutrition analysis. This data is supplemented by expert knowledge to nuance conclusions and ensure no critical areas are missing from iFEED.
For more information, download our explanatory infographic below showing the journey taken to developing iFEED, or take a look at our expert view piece from earlier in the year.