The integrated Future Estimator for Emissions and Diets (iFEED) is a key output of the AFRICAP programme. It provides integrated evidence to shape policies towards climate smart nutrition security in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. As well as looking at future food production, iFEED includes modelling of emissions, climate extremes and trade and nutrition analysis. This is supplemented by expert knowledge to nuance conclusions and ensure that no important areas are missing from iFEED.
FANRPAN retails AFRICAP outputs to COMESA
On 7 March 2022, a delegation of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), led by the CEO and Head of Mission, Dr. Tshilidzi Madzivhandila, met with the representatives of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) in Lusaka, Zambia to share lessons and promote the uptake of the outputs …